Provided your child has

A current NDIS plan
Funding for Capacity Building - Improved Daily Living
A goal that relates to self regulation, behaviour, and/or mental health

  • Self-Managed

    Simply join the program and submit your receipt via the portal for reimbursement.

    The program is funded under Capacity Building - Improved Daily Living

  • Plan Managed

    We will submit an invoice to your chosen plan manager, and you will receive access to the program as soon as payment is processed.

    Request a service agreement below.

    Pay-in-full option only.

  • Agency Managed

    We are not registered with the NDIA, so we are unable to bill NDIA managed plans.


  • When will I get access to the program?

    You will receive full access as soon we receive payment.

    We will submit an invoice to your nominated plan manager as soon as we receive your signed service agreement.

    The length of time it takes for invoices to be paid varies across plan managers, but is usually between 5-7 working days. We will email you as soon as your invoice is paid.

  • Which support category is the program funded by?

    The Safe House Framework - Parent Program is considered a Capacity Building support.

    The item number is 15_038_0117_1_3 (Training for parents/carers).

  • Is there an administration fee for plan-managed clients?

    Yes, there is a one-off adminstration fee of $85

    This covers the time allocated to preparing a service agreement and coordinating third party payment.

  • My plan manager says NDIS don't allow them to pay in advance for services - can I still join using my child's plan?

    Yes, because access to the on-demand materials is instant and life-long.

    This satisfies the NDIS requirement for services to be provided at the time of invoicing.

Is your child a self managed NDIS participant?

Simply sign up and submit your receipt via the portal for reimbursement.